Gift Card

Price from
€13.41  Incl. VAT
( €10.73  Excl. VAT )

Here you can buy a gift card that is sent directly to your email address. From here it can be forwarded to the person you want to give the gift card to, or you can print it out and wrap it up nicely.

Perfect Christmas gift
Select amount: 100kr - 200kr - 300kr etc.
Electronic gift card you can print yourself.

The gift card can be used for up to 3 years from the date of purchase.
The gift card will be sent to your email address.
On the gift card there will be a unique code that can be used when ordering at
Together with the gift card there will be a guide on how to easily redeem the gift card on
It will also always be possible to check the remaining balance on the gift card after purchase.
If you buy goods for more than the value of the gift card, simply choose payment by credit card, mobilepay or viabill for the remaining amount.

If you wish to purchase a gift card with a different value than the options shown, please contact us by email:

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 2000 2500

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Gavekort købt i December mdr. gælder fortrydelsesretten til og med den 16 januar året efter.
Gavekort er gyldig i 3år fra købsdato.
Gavekortet kan ikke ombyttes til kontanter.
14 dages alm. fortrydelsesret på køb af gavekort i alle mdr. udover december.

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