Polini krumtap med lang slaglængde (51 mm).
POLINI krumtap med lang slaglængde (51mm).
Ape 50
Kan anvendes uden at montere membran indsugning.Har samme åbningstid på drejeventilen, som Vespa ET125.
Denne passer perfekt til Ape 50 med 130 ccm cylinder.
- drejeventil
- slaglængde 51,0mm
- plejlstang 97,0mm
- Sport - plejlstang
- nåleleje: 15x19x20 mm
- krydspind 15mm
- konus 20/20mm
- 130 cc
- Ø Oliepakning på svinghjulssiden: 20 mm
- Ø Kugleleje på svinghjulssiden: 20 mm
- perfekt afbalanceret
TUNING SPORT - powerful
With the aim to improve the quality and the performance of the original spare parts, Polini has started the production of the new FOR RACE crankshafts for the famous 125 Primavera ET3, PK, XL, ETS.
As for the race engines, the connecting rod is machined from a block to increase its resistance to stresses.
The setting of the intake has been modified to improve the engine performance and the design of the crankshafts has been optimized to reduce vibrations.
Safe and reliable, their assembly is recommended both on original and modified engines.
Item: 210.0056 cone 19 Item: 210.0057 cone 20
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